The intelligent solution
for a fast quote bill of quantities
Behind QuickCalc stands a simple profile of requirements. To create a quick, exact and above all, efficient way as well as bills of quantities for tenders as well as offers or cost estimates. In addition, the post-processing should be easy and can be done without much effort. The highest value is placed on absolute practicality, ease of use and maximized workflows.
What makes QuickCalc so outstanding?
Different, fast and individual!

The Most Powerful Software.
Say hello to QuickCalc
“The focus has been to develop QuickCalc based on practical work processes”
QuickCalc was originally developed by calculators for their own use. This is noticeable in the operation. Self-explanatory buttons, intuitive search functions and an easy-to-understand program flow are no mystery.
Adapt to the customer’s request
“Calculate turnkey without significant overhead and only then limit the performance”

Explore! You will love it.
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